Helen Allan Secures Visiting Scholarship at De Montfort University

Helen Allan has secured a Visiting Scholarship to the Centre for Reproduction Research at De Montfort University from January to March 2019. Helen will be working on papers with Professor Nicky Hudson and her team which arise from the Early Parenthood after IVF study. Helen’s collaborators on this study have been Professor Olga van den Akker (MU), Professor Lorraine Culley (DMU), Dr Ginny Mounce (University of Oxford), Jo Killingley, Lindsay Ahmed and Therese Bourne (MU) and Ruth Hudson (Surrey & Borders NHS Trust).

Professor Helen Allan of CCRNM and colleagues win grant to investigate fertility treatments

Congratulations to Professor Helen Allan of the Centre for Critical Research in Nursing and Midwifery Education and colleagues who will investigate early parenthood experiences of infertile couples after successful fertility treatment as part of winning a development grant award.

The research group, which includes Professor of Health Psychology Olga van den Akker and Professor of Nursing Helen Allan, won the Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology (SRIP) grant award to run a workshop to develop a collaborative team for investigating the implications on IVF/ICSI conception and delivery of a baby for couples’ lives in early parenthood.

Full story here:



Early parenthood experiences of infertile couples after successful fertility treatment: SRIP award

Olga van den Akker and helen allan with colleagues at De Montfort (Lorraine Culley) and Dundee (Andrew Symon) and Flinders University in Austraila (Sheryl de Lacey) have won a Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology developmental grant award to run a workshop to develop a collaborative team to investigate the implications of IVF/ICSI conception for couples’ lives in early parenthood.

This topic is under-explored in the literature internationally. Existing research has identified  potential health need but this is ignored by policy makers although acknowledged by service users in the UK. We plan to address this gap in research with our focus on transition to early parenthood for infertile couples, on fatherhood as well as motherhood and on our use of mixed methods as an interdisciplinary team which includes a strong service user perspective. We believe this work has relevance both nationally and internationally.